WEEKLY SPIRITUAL ENERGY- May 27 – June 2, 2024 by Lady Dyanna

WEEKLY SPIRITUAL ENERGY- May 27 – June 2, 2024  by Lady DyannaWEEKLY SPIRITUAL ENERGY- May 27 - June 2, 2024 by Lady Dyanna

                                   “Don’t limit your challenges. Challenge your limits.” – Anonymous

If you find “too much” of something in your life, you are probably right. It’s even possible to have too much of a good thing!
The solution to such a situation isn’t to go to the other extreme, because that only perpetuates an unending cycle. As one example, we sometimes face recurring disappointments in our lives and choose to “give up” and become passive about our dreams. Submissiveness and passivity can breed frustration that turns into extreme and misdirected aggression. Aggression that accomplishes little can lead to a feeling of defeat, that may turn into fatigue and passivity again.
If we are noticing extremes and repetitive cycles in our own lives or in our environment, it may be time to sit down quietly and think of a new way to do things.
The new way must come from an understanding of ourselves, our needs, and what our environment can realistically provide. We can not be too rigid in our requirements, lest we turn into despots. Neither do we want to become doormats with no will of our own.
This week’s energy indicates that the answer to a current situation lies in finding the balance between two extremes or a middle ground among two or more parties.

Affirmation: I find and maintain balance in my life so I may live my life to its fullest.

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