WEEKLY SPIRITUAL ENERGY- June 3 – June 9, 2024 by Lady Dyanna

WEEKLY SPIRITUAL ENERGY-June 3 – June 9, 2024  by Lady DyannaWEEKLY SPIRITUAL ENERGY-June 3 - June 9, 2024  by Lady Dyanna

                                   “Don’t limit your challenges. Challenge your limits.” – Anonymous

Of course, it’s not easy, if it were easy, everybody would be doing it. Like eating healthy or working out, it’s a choice to train your mind to see the good in every situation or to wait patiently until you have regained a measure of balance from within so that you are thinking more rationally and clearly. Meditation is the direct route to that center of calm within that can cut through the incessant and false chatter of your mind. It can help you to feel less worried, afraid, and angry. It offers a larger perspective and access to a vast pool of inner resources to help you deal with any situation that may come your way. You are not ready to take action, yet, you are still off-center. You must first engage in mindfulness or meditation.

Affirmation: I regain my center before taking action.

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