WEEKLY SPIRITUAL ENERGY- June 10 – June 16, 2024 by Lady Dyanna

WEEKLY SPIRITUAL ENERGY-June 10 – June 16, 2024  by Lady DyannaWEEKLY SPIRITUAL ENERGY-June 10 - June 16, 2024  by Lady Dyanna

                                   “Don’t limit your challenges. Challenge your limits.” – Anonymous

The message of the sun reminds you that you, too, have a light that shines deeply from within that benefits not only you but all those that you come into contact with. If you deny that this sun energy exists within you, you will not be connected to the one source that burns away the past and breathes new life into the future. You have an important part to play in the overall cosmic theme of life. It is time for you to stop playing small, stop pretending to be less than who you are, and prepare to shine your light for the benefit of everyone around you.
Your sun energy is located in your solar plexus, which is the third chakra located in the center of your stomach area. The color that represents this chakra is yellow. Spend time connecting with this energy. Ask to connect with it, feel it radiating from your center, allow it to get as big as it wants to get, and radiate it outwards with the intention to step into the fullness of you. Do not be afraid that others will reject your brightness—they might, but that is only a reflection of them refusing to connect with their own light. Others will unconsciously feel into their own light when they’re around you as you are a powerful reminder that they, too, have a dormant energy within themselves that is waiting to be expressed into the world.

When you ask for a sign and the universe brings you the sun, it is a sign for you to stay true to yourself and not be afraid to radiate your unique soul essence and light. Ask yourself, “How can I show up in the world more authentically?” Stay true to the genuine soul that you are and get ready to experience amazing positive changes filled with joy and blessings.

Affirmation: I am true to myself and I radiate my unique soul essence and light.

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